Agenda and Minutes

All public notices of the Buckskin Fire District meetings will be posted 24 hours in advance on our website, at BFD Station 11, BFD Station 211.
Minutes are subject to Fire Board approval and will be posted accordingly.

BFD Career Application

(See Agenda below)

8500 Riverside DR, Parker, AZ 85344

Phone: 928-667-3321

Fiscal Year End 2025

07.09.24 Agenda
07.09.24 Approved Minutes

08.13.24 Agenda
08.13.24 Approved Minutes

09.10.24 Agenda
09.10.24 Approved Minutes

11.12.24 Agenda
11.12.24 Approved Minutes

12.10.24 Agenda
12.10.24 Approved Minutes

01.14.25 Agenda

02.11.25 Agenda

 Special districts that are formed pursuant to title 48:

(a) May conspicuously post a statement on their website stating where all public notices of their meetings will be posted, including the physical and electronic locations, and shall give additional public notice as is reasonable and practicable as to all meetings.

(b) May post all public meeting notices on their website and shall give additional public notice as is reasonable and practicable as to all meetings.  A technological problem or failure that either prevents the posting of public notices on a website or that temporarily or permanently prevents the use of all or part of the website does not preclude the holding of the meeting for which the notice was posted if the public body complies with all other public notice requirements required by this section.

(c) If a statement or notice is not posted pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of this paragraph, shall file a statement with the clerk of the board of supervisors stating where all public notices of their meetings will be posted and shall give additional public notice as is reasonable and practicable as to all meetings.